Release Announcements
December 28, 2018
Launched two new pieces of open source code in the last couple of months.
PlayerControls is a macOS Cocoa framework that creates a View containing
playback controls for media like videos or sounds. It is written in pure Swift
4 and has no dependencies.
SearchParser is a parser that converts a freeform query into an intermediate
object, that can then be converted to query many backends (SQL, ElasticSearch,
etc). It includes translators for SQL (using PDO) and Laravel Eloquent ORM. It
supports a faceted language search as commonly found on many sites across the
web. It is written in modern PHP.
Both are licensed under the MIT license. Go check them out on
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Release Announcements
March 31, 2017
Okay, no profit in this, but it certainly is fun!
I have two Nest thermostats in my house and, after some teething pains (yay the
life of an early adopter) they have been pretty solid. But they’re also black
boxes that I know little about. I know they’re collecting mountains of data and
sending it back to the Google mothership. Wouldn’t it be nice to get at some of
that data and build my own reports?
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