dystill Posts

Release Announcements

Dystill Version 0.3 Now Available

Twelve years ago I wrote a little program called Dystill. It is a filtering mail delivery agent that could sort and filter email based on rules stored in a MySQL database. At the time I wrote it, I was transitioning away from using Gmail to running my own mail server, and I needed a way to filter my incoming mail into folders (akin to Gmails labels and automatic filtering) with the ability to quickly add rules without having to manually edit files. And for twelve years, that little program has just run reliably in the background with very few updates. The last time I changed it was 2012. In the meantime, the world has moved on and Python 2 (which it was written in) is no longer supported. And truthfully it was the last piece of Python 2 code in my whole setup. But I had been punting on updating it because it worked.
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dystill moved to Jekyll and Bootstrap

I moved the dystill website to Jekyll and Bootstrap. This was pretty simple overall, since the site is just one page. It was more a task for converting the custom CSS I wrote to use the matching Boostrap libs. I also added the neat little ubiquitous “Fork me on Github” ribbon you see on a lot of sites. Go check it out at dystill.org.
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dystill 0.2.1 released

Just a little announcement about a maintenance release to dystill. 0.2.1 has been released, which brings with it a couple of bugfixes for issues I ran into recently. First, it will now optionally try to create new maildirs when they don’t exist (this is configurable in the config file). There’s also some more error checking to hopefully prevent crazy behavior. As always, the source is on github.
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A new home for dystill and a Roundcube plugin!

I’ve finally put together a website for dystill: www.dystill.org I’ll continue to post updates about this project here, though. I’ve also finished working on a plugin for Roundcube (the popular open-source webmail client). It can be found for download at the address above.
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dystill 0.2 released

Version (do those really matter anymore? :P) 0.2 of dystill has been released. This version brings a significant change to dystill. Namely, it breaks the unofficial association between dystill and Postfix that has existed since I first wrote it last year. I did this for a couple of reasons: To hopefully increase adoption. Dystill now (really!) stands independent of any MTA. Use it with whatever you want (sendmail, Qmail, etc). You actually always could, but you’d have to ape some Postfix tables. You don’t have to do that anymore. To make it easier to write web-based front-ends to dystill’s MySQL database, enabling users to add rules. This was done by adding an “email” column to the filters table, updating that field with the recipient address, and dropping the old user_id field. Also, a “maildir_path” config variable was added to the config, specifying where the maildirs live. There was also a minor bugfix I came across the other day where certain uncommon (but legal) characters could result in unreadable maildirs.
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