
Before Using This Form

Please be aware that I am not in need of or interested in the following things:

  • SEO services. I have been doing web development for more than 20 years. I guarantee you that I understand how to do search engine optimization. I am not selling anything so I am not worried about “lost sales.” This is a blog for me to write about things that interest me. I do not need SEO services.

  • Link exchanges. Again, this is a blog for me to write about things that interest me. If you have something interesting that I find useful, I might write about it, but I am not interested in link or article exchanges.

  • Guest articles. Again, this is a blog for me to write about things that interest me. Having low-quality mass produced “guest articles” that exist solely to continue to feed the SEO “industry” and game search engines sort of defeats the purpose of that. I wrote every word of every article on this site, and I intend to keep it that way. I am not interested in guest articles.

    No seriously. Stop asking me about guest articles! I know what you’re trying to do, and I won’t participate.

If your contact request falls into the above categories, please do not waste my time and yours. Again. I am not interested in guest articles, link exchanges, or SEO services. No, yours is not the exception.

If you need support for some of my open source code, please file issues in Github. Please do not use this form for tech support. Those are far easier for me to keep up with than emails.

By clicking Continue below, you confirm that you have read the above statement and that you do not intend to contact me about SEO services, link exchanges, guest articles or issues that belong as tickets on GitHub.