Twelve years ago I wrote a little program called Dystill. It is a filtering mail delivery agent that could sort and filter email based on rules stored in a MySQL database. At the time I wrote it, I was transitioning away from using Gmail to running my own mail server, and I needed a way to filter my incoming mail into folders (akin to Gmails labels and automatic filtering) with the ability to quickly add rules without having to manually edit files.
And for twelve years, that little program has just run reliably in the background with very few updates. The last time I changed it was 2012. In the meantime, the world has moved on and Python 2 (which it was written in) is no longer supported. And truthfully it was the last piece of Python 2 code in my whole setup. But I had been punting on updating it because it worked.
Well, yesterday, I finally sat down and updated it for Python 3. Feels weird to go back in and look at code I wrote more than a decade ago. So if you are using Dystill, Version 0.3 is now available on Github. It now has a minimum Python version of 3.3, although I am currently running it against Python 3.6.