So you may notice that now has an entirely new look. It’s not just a new look, but a ground-up re-architecture of my blog.
No more Wordpress. This site is now powered by Jekyll, the static website generator. It’s a neat little Ruby program that just generates a bunch of static HTML from templates and Markdown. Interesting how we’ve now come full circle from simple homepages of the 90s, to the rich and complex websites of the 2000s, back to static HTML.
The front end has been rewritten using Twitter Bootstrap. It’s a responsive design (partially - I’m still working out the kinks on mobile and tablet views - bear with me while I get that straightened out.)
The whole thing is powered by git hosted on my server so that, when I commit a new post, a post-commit hook fires that automatically rebuilds the entire site.
Best of all, there’s nothing to maintain. No Wordpress updates that must be applied immediately lest you risk a security issue. Just static HTML and comments delivered by JavaScript.
The conversion process from Wordpress was complex, and I’m working on a post to fully describe all the steps. “Partially-automated” is the best way to describe it. All of the posts converted, but most of them needed tweaking. Regardless, you’ll find everything that was at the old blog here, all at the same URLs.