Git Posts


Welcome to the new!

So you may notice that now has an entirely new look. It’s not just a new look, but a ground-up re-architecture of my blog.
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I’ve created a new repository on my GitHub account where I can commit some of the little scripts I’ve written for use on my server. The first one I’ve committed is gitcreate, a small script that automates the creation and bootstrapping of git repositories. I realized that, when I was creating a new repo on my server, I do the same things over and over. Create the repo, then add in some frameworks for whatever little thing I’m playing with at the time. Well, gitcreate can do all that for you. Create the repo and bootstrap in things like the most recent versions of CodeIgniter, jQuery, and Bootstrap. That way, when you clone the repo to start working, you’re already ready to start coding. Like most of my stuff, it’s licensed under the New BSD License.
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